Adapting Your Brand Voice for Social Media

Two weeks ago, we talked about adapting your brand voice for your blog. Along that same vein (but slightly different) is considering your brand voice when talking for social media.

Social Media is About Being Social

We told you in the last post about adapting your brand voice that you should always be focused on consistency when it comes to your brand voice. Where social media differs from say, your website and advertising, is that it is real-time interaction. It’s as if your brand voice were chatting with their friends. If you’re doing it right, there’s nothing one-sided about the conversation.

So how does your brand voice talk to its friends? Does it use exclamation marks? Abbreviations? Text speak? Sometimes, you may feel the need (especially on Twitter) to shorten words or forgo proper grammar. That can be fine – as long as your brand voice would do the same thing. Bob? He’s not a fan of abbreviations. He only does it in extreme situations on our Twitter account.

Your Competition is Watching

Because social media is so fast and so friendly, it’s really not uncommon to ‘like’ or ‘follow’ your competition on social media. But don’t forget: they’re following you, too. This is an important part of making sure what you’re saying still sounds unique to your brand voice – retweets and shares are great; blatant “stealing” is not great, but easily goes unnoticed. Make your tweets and comments sound like you’re the only one who could have wrote it, and people will remember which business said it, even when all the organizations just like yours are sharing the same info.

At a loss as to who your brand voice is or whether or not they (or you) know what a good tweet looks like? Contact us!

advice, branding
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